[Catch! Teenieping] Ep.03: A SHY NEW CLASSMATE πŸ’˜

a shiny new classmate
i almost hit that adorable cat
here i come shopping
are you really sure you want to see me
that up close
watch out for me
oh you’re making me flush
you’re embarrassing me
let’s leave shipping for now and go back
to work come on let’s go
ping went running towards the school so
we might catch a pretty soon
oh such a weird town
what’s going on huh it’s nothing let’s
go mary lou
it’s so hard to catch shipping let’s go
find her once we are done with work i
need to catch her before something
happens too
someone please catch him
hey what are you doing please catch him
can’t you do anything right romy
well you don’t have to be so rude about
i’ll catch him
okay good boy it’s all right
bad doggy you can’t run off like that
it’s not his fault at all you just
didn’t put on the leash correctly
what what
who are you anyways me well i’m the one
who helped you get your dog back
ugh but don’t worry you can thank me
let’s go mocha
it was so amazing
she appeared out of nowhere on a
skateboard and ah
then pulled the leash and caught the dog
it was incredible
you should have brought her here
she all of a sudden disappeared
i’m trying to remember if i’ve seen her
who is she
oh good afternoon
do you know her
the skateboarder
good afternoon oh hi again
how can i help you
want to try some of our freshly baked
bread uh sorry i’m not here for the
do you know where the third harmony
street is
i’m actually new in town you should show
her the way
i’ll show you
of course
i’m romy by the way so nice to meet you
i’m mary lou nice to meet you too
you’re so cool mary lou i’ve never seen
anyone who could skate like that in my
entire life
well i’ve been skating since i was a
since you were a baby
i’m just kidding
you got me
mommy said you should eat at home so i
said i would come get you
oh you’re adorable
oh she’s my
baby sister luca
and this is my
friend romy
hi romy
i know my way from here
thanks for coming with me
my pleasure
i’m a bit nervous
because tomorrow
is my first day of school hope to see
you there
you’ll be fine see ya
oh she called me friends
listen everyone we have a new student
please come in
that’s her
oh that’s her
the skater you told us about
no way
please introduce yourself
hello everyone my name is marilou my
favorite class is pe
my dad runs the tycoon dos center
please let me know if you’re interested
i can get you a 30 discount
i’m sorry
are you okay
i can’t hear you
yeah come on speak up
what’s going on
come on take it romy
so you must be good at taekwondo
show us how you break the bricks
please show us
i can’t
come back
she can’t do it
i knew it
transformation time
princess heart of love open your heart
i just
want to stay here all day
yeah if you stay here no one will make
fun of you shashai let’s stay here
together shashai
leave her alone
because of you mary lou’s not being
i’m definitely catching you this time
please don’t come to me shashai okay
i wonder how i can catch her
a skateboard let’s do it
princess hearts
matches one
here we go
shy pink come here
it’s time for you to come home
princess heart
magic catcher
what am i doing here what are you doing
over here
come with me let’s show them who you
really are
where do you think marilu could be right
now um
well she’s probably crying like a baby
acting like she’s the bravest but she’s
just a little baby
now this is how you do some taekwondo
there’s nothing better than taekwondo
for mental training as i said i can get
you a 30 discount
but what
what was that
she she’s the one who ran away right
yeah she was but now she’s my brave

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