[Catch! Teenieping] Ep.09 WELCOME, DEAR HOPE πŸ’˜

welcome to your home
i thought romy would be somewhere around
hey tell me what’s wrong are you lonely
here cha cha cha
okay then let’s check up and give you
some hope
you shouldn’t give up in any
circumstance i never do cha-cha i know i
will find romy at some point i’m sure so
cheer up don’t lose hope cha-cha
look at these beautiful flowers i guess
the flowers must like the sunlight
this one is not it
oh hi romeo
what are you doing here i’m looking for
a four-leaf clover a four-leaf clover
it symbolizes good luck if i can find
one of these i will have good luck
that’s what my mom said
so tell me have you decided which will
be your wish maya
for my mom to recover soon
well my mom she hurt her legs so
she can’t even open the shop
of course your mom has a flower shop
all right leave it to me
romy what are you gonna
what are you going to do to
i’ma transform and use magic to make
maya’s mom better
princess heart transformation time
princess heart of love open your hearts
what am i going to do with all these
dying flowers
and all of them were especially reserved
for tomorrow
maya’s mom is there
all right then princess heart magic wand
magic wand
where is she i can’t find romy anywhere
i don’t get it why isn’t this working
excuse me do you need something from the
huh i think that sounds a lot like
ah another flower needs me chad
oh no
why isn’t this magic working the magic
isn’t supposed to solve everything too
besides you need more training for that
kind of magic chew
what you’re saying is very discouraging
mom i’m very sorry i wanted to get you a
four-leaf clover i promise
i thought i could find it near here but
i couldn’t find any
oh honey thank you
i’m just really glad you looked around i
am going to look around some more and i
will also help you with work oh mom
is something worrying you
remember the flowers the customer
i took special care of them
but now they look like they’re all dying
i don’t think i can make them look good
i’ll give the flower some nutrients
i can do it well now
you’re holding the weed killer
the flowers oh no i need to wash it off
i’m so sorry
maya i feel so bad
now it’s a perfect time to help maya
with some magic you’re really sure
didn’t you you might make things even
worse too
what to do
all right i think i have a great idea
so many beauties around here blossom and
be more beautiful
hmm huh look they’re so pretty
what if we bring all these flowers to
her you should have picked flowers from
flower beds too i know
but look at them they’re twinkling it’s
just if they were enchanted
oh that’s
what are these little marks
they seem like a tiny pink’s footprints
i was okay not that lonely
because i knew we would be together
again cha-cha
but romy i
i’m actually lying
i was really really lonely
well calm down
i took care of the flowers and trees and
it cheered me up
good job flowers and trees
of course cha-cha things that want to
help us out
i’m so sorry i ruined the flowers
it’s okay
i know you were just trying to help me
afternoon roomie
hello mommy
i heard you got hurt
what happened in here
oh i
i tried to help her but
oh no
let me help you
thank you romy
i i i think i should help out too oh oh
mommy careful
are you okay
you should just stay right here yeah we
can do it on our own you know
oh come on
now the poor flowers look just as sick
as i am
don’t you worry the flowers will come
alive again you’ll see
so i should just water these flowers
all right i will water them some hope
oh look
it seems like now the flowers are a
little uh
still dead
what romy what’s going on
in just a sec
cha-cha ping what happened to the
i just ordered them with a little bit of
hope bromi that’s not enough to make
them blossom cha-cha are you totally
can’t you enchant them or something
romy what are you doing oh it’s nothing
don’t worry a little bit of hope in
their heart will do its magic and give
them courage to overcome anything i know
it cha-cha a little hope and heart what
are you talking about
oh my god is this
a clover
what is it mom
look what i found maya
a four-leaf clover what where
oh wow it’s your clover maya
it’s so weird did you know that this
wasn’t here a few days ago
i looked around everywhere i didn’t
think i would find one so close
thanks a lot sweetie
for what
i wouldn’t have looked into this flower
pot and found this four-leaf clover if
that incident had never happened
oh mom
i guess that
the angel of hope sent this to me
just to encourage me i can overcome
anything now
thanks to you
a mom
good morning
here it is the flower you asked for
it’s beautiful
i can’t thank you enough
my husband is getting much better thanks
to you i’ll come back again soon hope
you get better too
you’re always welcome
everyone is happy now cha-cha i’m glad
it all worked out you
me too
i know that hope is all around us
if i keep catching tinny pink
spontaneously able to return to the
girls let’s go
we’ve got some tiny things to catch

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