Peppa Pig English 2016 Season 1 Episode 12 – Bicycles

I’m Peppa Pig this is my little brother George this is mummy pig and this is Daddy Pig. 

It is a lovely sunny day and Peppa and George are riding their bicycles that’s a fine pumpkin daddy pig daddy pig is very proud of his pumpkin pumpkins are the only thing I can grow probably because I love pumpkin pie George Danny Suzy Rebecca pepper and her friends Danny dog ​​Suzy sheep and Rebecca rabbit are riding their bicycles George is riding his tricycle he gains a slowly
what let’s race to daddy pig’s pumpkin if we race to daddy’s pumpkin we have to be very careful not about picture it Oh daddy would be very sad if the pub broke don’t worry Peppa ratio friends are racing to daddy pig’s pumpkin hey watch out for my pumpkin Hey look out daddy’s pumpkin sorry daddy ok Georgie’s going so slowly George is still riding a baby bike what yours is a baby back to pepper you still got stabilizers I can ride without my stabilizers me me too angry this ride up the hill again what are you coming pepper no I think I’ll stay here later hi pepper wishes she did not have stabilizers on her bicycle daddy I don’t want to stabilize him anymore do you think you can ride without them yeah all right pepper let’s take them off daddy pig is taking the stabilizers off peppers bicycle are you sure you want to ride without stabilizers yes you’ve never done it before I couldn’t do it I can’t I can’t it’s not funny riding without stabilizers is not easy would you like some help Peppa yes please daddy all right Ready Steady Go Daddy don ‘t worry I’ve got you you’re doing really well pepper just keep pedaling Peppa is riding on her own without stabilizers you’ve been cycling on your own for ages have I you’re really very good at it am I oh I can’t do it look at me look at me I can ride my bike properly Oh Danny Suzy Rebecca I don’t need my stabilizers anymore Oh Popkin look out my pumpkin isn’t looking where she’s going oh dear Peppa has squashed daddy pig’s pumpkin sorry I squashed your pup kick daddy never mind the pumpkin the important thing is that you are okay in future you really must look where you’re going I promise I will dad hey good anyway now the pumpkin is broken I can make it into pumpkin pie I love pumpkin pie and because daddy pig’s pumpkin is so big there will be enough pumpkin pie for everyone you.


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