Pokémon Diamond and Pearl | EP09 | Setting the World on its Buneary | Pokémon Asia ENG

hey this is getting good dawn and piplup
are really getting into the swing of
it’s all about the challenges
a chance to begin again
setting the world on it’s veneering
it was to be a fateful day for dawn and
a certain pokemon named bhaniri as our
heroes continue toward jubalife city
john what’s wrong don’t you dare come in
here my hair is a complete mess and
nobody sees it
dawn don’t sweat it come on that’s what
hats are for
well isn’t that a typical male response
ash unlike your who cares how i look
world i take pride in my appearance get
it but it’s just not worth it to get
nuts about hair that’s your opinion
see you’re witnessing a typical morning
for this crazy family but you’ll get
used to it
what do i do with this mess looks like i
slept on my head
hey what was that for that’s weird
do you think that was to fix her bed
head bandsaw
hey can you grab that for me
please do me a favor
nice catch pikachu
will you watch out hey what’s with the
bubble bean before in the tent check it
you see it worked
you like it you see i just had the worst
pillow head when i woke up this morning
but pip-up and i sure fixed that
wow i’m impressed wow what a weird way
to use a bubble bean
it’ll work on boys and girls so let’s
put bubble bean to good use on your
pillow head hey i’ll be wearing a hat
hey give me my hat
hey that’s not funny
that was great
thank you
it’s a
baniri the rabbit pokemon when sensing
danger it extends both ears as an alert
and when cold it curls up and goes to
wow that was awesome the way you scooped
up pikachu like that
oh i really wanted to catch it
you need to be more careful it really
doesn’t matter where you are you always
need to look both left and right before
crossing the road sorry officer jenny
it’s so great for you to help us out
just like before huh don’t you remember
it’s me it’s dawn she’s still got a lot
to learn huh
dawn here’s the deal you see there are
many officer jenny’s
see here
wow look at all of them
this was taken at the last countrywide
festival right i wish i could have been
there but now you’re here and i’m here
too the name’s brock and my goal other
than to be with you is to become the
greatest pokemon breeder the world has
ever known and i’m jenny from jubalife
city and my sister is the officer jenny
from sand gem town your sister you must
be identical twins of course they’re not
identical talk about rude it’s obvious
the length of their hair and eyelashes
is not the same
not to mention that unique fragrance
you’re wearing
of course i could be wrong
your friend is strange have you ever
seen these people
i don’t think so last night some thieves
broke into the factory just up ahead and
stole a lot of machine parts this
picture was taken by the factory
security surveillance camera nope they
look weird to me oh that was quick yep
well thanks very much for your help sure
no i’d kind of like to catch that
too but ash if we see that veneer again
i want to catch it i know but i still
can’t believe how far beniri jumped to
save pikachu i’ve just gotta catch it
come on ash remember i haven’t even
caught one pokemon yet dawn relax
remember you’re just getting things
started yeah easy for you to say
we’re going to be in jubilee city
tomorrow the pokemon contest is coming
up soon and i need to catch some more
does that look good hey you’re preaching
to the choir well this choir is clean
out of cold cash maybe hunger will make
us hungrier to catch pikachu
feeling like this i couldn’t catch a
cold and my inspiration’s on hold
hey look there’s that creepy crow gunk
with a face like that you’d think it
would hide teamed with the twerps it
blends right in wow
what’s wrong why don’t you want to eat
anymore crow gunk maybe crone gunk’s got
a little stomach ache no way crow gunk
just likes to eat at its own pace
i don’t think later ever comes
hey that’s not a tour pokemon that’s a
bunny eerie
now whoever catches one ear and gets to
keep it and the other person can’t be
mad okay okay it’s a deal quick pimples
just watch me do this this is a race i
can’t afford to lose
since i’ve had more than my share of
goofs i figure it’s time for me to win
one no one’s stopping me and that
includes you if that’s how you feel then
go for it then you’ll have the honor of
watching my first cat now
it’s time to use
then obviously paneeri knows how to use
your opponent becomes confused and dizzy
like that so now i just stand here and
do nothing
what do i do first is chill out put
pimple up in its poke ball and it’ll be
fine that sounds good okay
that was some impressive power
everything they try to do just gets
messed up
okay ash go and give it your best shot
all right ready pikachu
that’s weird what’s going on but he’s
acting completely different than when
battling pitbull before i wonder
brock wonder what
i had a feeling before this was going on
veneras got a crush on pikachu
oh man how do we battle with this going
that’s the real thing all right maybe he
likes electric types
you can’t rationalize love you think
this is love
love or not i’m catching that but here
talk about an interesting development
they’re one step away from picking out
the furniture since pikachu’s freaked
because veneri’s going gaga we can grab
that goofy yellow goofball while it’s
god is down gloriously groovy it’s
perfect those twerp emotions will be so
frail they won’t know what hit them but
we will won’t we cause we’ll do the
with a few
brilliant go ahead and zappers just
remember you’re zapping your body too
and this puff ball does not cut into
electricity behold our sinnoh region
robotic rabble-rouser mark 3.
dig it you become a team rocket pokemon
and the panerai gets bail
thanks for getting us out with one shot
no less
what starly
okay now that your little yellow paws
are tied you’re gonna play nice
then here we come and wait till you see
your ride
to keep our part of the bargain and let
benary go that’s what that pikachu gets
for bargaining with us we negotiate in
bad faith
how did they get both of them listen is
that an annoying voice i hear it shakes
to me loud and clear on the wind pass
the stars in your ear
bringing chaos at a breakneck pace
dashing hope putting fear in its place a
rose by any other names just as sweet
when everything’s worse our work is
complete jesse and james
you twerps are too late if you thought
pikachu was going to save panirik’s
floundering fluffiness think again
so cute when you flail it’s the no avail
your ears are no match for the rabble
rousers to wear proof glass and since
pikachu agreed to join up with us all
you losers can do is mope like a dope
don’t worry guys i’ll get you out of
just can’t keep our hands to us when it
comes to the rattle we sure can run kids
have it too easy today anyway
jenny’s here those are the three the
factory thieves
now who is that photogenic female i
warned you not to flash the peace sign
in front of the camera dummy excuse me
but i’m an actress and actresses live
for the camera so tough means
why are they dressed like that called
team rocket and they’re stealing those
good shot pikachu
so much for twitter we help you got to
protect our investment let’s see him i
entailed this
and the look of twins getting smaller
down there
that iron tail always amazes me now
you help out pikachu with ice beams
that’s not nice
i hate machines and a fortune on chunk
and what do we get yes it’s a rubble
rouser now
all right you three are under arrest
there goes a dedicated babe
i betcha she was good at school too
i’m so glad you’re safe
aren’t you just the cutest pokemon hey
how would you like to come along with us
well pikachu thinks it’s a good idea
i think everybody does
but i really do think you and i should
have a battle after all you’re a pokemon
and i’m a trainer
i choose you
heads up top look behind you quick
hey this is getting good dawn and piplup
are really getting into the swing of
dodge it first and then use pets
come on now you can’t let me down
well done you finally did it that’s
hey thanks you guys let’s go beneary
i’m so glad you’re going to be with us
now i’ll really do something in my first
contest so bring it on
what started out a bit messy has ended
up a red letter day for our newest hero
as dawn faces her pokemon contest
premiere with piplup and boniri

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