Pokémon Diamond and Pearl |EP11| Mounting a Coordinator Assault | Pokémon Asia ENG

double team
now you spoke his Punch
Way To Go
it’s all about the challenges
I’ve never seen this side of you Dawn
where an address is a new one on me what
do you expect for a Pokemon contest you
mean you’re all dressed up because it’s
your first time out oh how can you get
for your information coordinators in the
Sinnoh region always dress up for
Pokemon contests
the time has come and the future is at
hand now that Dawn’s much anticipated
Pokemon contest debut is off and running
Mom thanks so much I just love my new
dress I’m thrilled that you like it and
all dear but I think you need to take a
look in the box I sent huh there should
have been a choker in that box choker
I didn’t see a choker
wow it’s a Glameow Wow Let’s see
the caddy Pokemon when angry it flashes
its claws but it also can purr quite
now what do we have here hey that’s your
ah there you are
you the one who found this it was on the
floor in the dressing room but how did
you know it was Dons matching that with
the owner was a breeze she’s the only
girl in this whole complex who’s
actually wearing something that would go
with it I
thank you see I’ve got the choker now so
you don’t have to worry about a thing
when you tell me not to worry is when I
worry the most
she’s already gone huh honey
the last thing you need to be doing in
your first contest is be absent-minded
so watch out don’t worry and what do I
do the most when you tell me not to
worry oh hey don’t worry we’ll be here
cheering her on to do her very best
I know I can count on you two I’ll be
glued to the TV watching so good luck
okay Mom
you’re ready for a little special
training done
you bet I am Give Me Your Best Shot okay
quick attack
let’s go
yep it’s a perfect Landing
okay now we use Pat
pretty cool huh that’s the way we show
off that move we’ve been practicing
storing up power boy Dawn’s really
use iron tail Pikachu
get them up what would you do that for a
hey April what’s up
that’s a good looking move all right
Ash I think apom wants to compete in the
hey bomb is that true
air pumps always watching us practice
it’s no fun sitting on the sidelines
Piplup what do you think
how would you and Aipom like to compete
in the Jubal life contest who me in the
contest with Avon why not hey I think it
would be a lot of fun just think maybe
you and I could compete against each
other Ash you could give it a shot and
see what you think well I guess so
yay I’ll do it
well if you want to do it right we’ll
need to do some training
of course there’s something else you
need to do what’s that Brook uh your
entry uh
I totally forgot
I’m here to enter yeah me too
of course I’ll just need to see both of
your contest passes then huh
we kind of don’t have them yet that
means this must be your first contest
then I’ll just need to put your Pokedex
into one of these slots to register you
there your ID information has been
downloaded from your Pokedex memory
you’re all set
those two ID cards will serve as your
coordinator contest passes from now on
you can enter any contest in the Sinnoh
region that you like with them
there are a few other items that you’ll
need right here there’s a ribbon case a
ball capsule and the rule book of course
a ball capsule huh
wow I wonder what that seal is for you
really don’t know in cine region contest
everyone’s Pokemon makes a super
dramatic entrance from their pokeballs
what do you mean it’s easier to show you
than try and explain
first you put your Pokeball into the
ball capsule put the seal on then throw
it’s pretty neat huh there are all sorts
of different seals and they work in lots
of different ways see yeah I want to use
them all
wake up coordinators jessalina is gonna
rock your world
The Sinner Region’s going to love my
homesman appeal add talent and I’m a
shoe in to win will you listen to me I’m
hearing the Cry of our empty wallet
oh please don’t sweat the small stuff
now come on I want to use your car
right huh hey this is a blast sticking
on these seals I’ll give you a blast you
don’t put seals on the Pokemon you put
them on the ball capsules
if we copied and sold seals we’d seal
Our Fate of Fame and Fortune now there’s
a walk down the road to ruin
with my big win and your sales expertise
why’d we’d outsell the yo-yo being a
successful entrepreneur requires a
thorough knowledge of popular products
and when it comes to yoyos to be one is
to no one about that
owner’s Joy you’re so huggable
sure it’s nice
all these thoughts about tomorrow’s
contest keep rolling around in my mind
I can’t sleep
huh what’s this
see my mom gave this to me for good luck
this is the very first contest dripper
that she ever won
the main reason I can’t sleep is I keep
thinking over and over about how much I
want to show the crowd tomorrow how
special you two are I know you two are
going to be great
step right up and seal your feet we’ve
got the bell of the ball capsule seals
and at our prize our seals are Real
I want one thanks old man oh man one
shot at this and you’ll have more
fireworks than the summer parade
tell all your friends make an old man
here we go
greetings and a warm welcome to
coordinators and contest fans of all
ages we’ve all come together for one
very special reason and that’s to find
out who will take home the coveted and
fabulous Juba live contest ribbon now I
know you’ve all been waiting patiently
and now it’s time for you to be rewarded
any minute I’m gonna go look
who looks like there’s trouble in
Paradise with a twerk top
supposed to be all ready to go and I
can’t get my hair right nuts let me help
oh thank you I didn’t introduce myself
the other day after you helped me out my
name’s Don I’m Zoe so is this your first
contest how’d you know you’ve got that
first time Vibe oh lovely
so have you been in contests before Zoe
sure have Wow have you won any ribbons
three contests one ribbon also
sure here
adorable all set Don what do you think
well it’s
it’s you now it’s my turn to win yeah
yep I’m sure of it well then I’ll see
you in the finals I’ll break a leg
listen find out who gets the jubilizer
and a real Beauty it is add to this four
additional contest wins and you’re
eligible to compete in the prestigious
grand festival
oh my gosh what’s wrong wrong time for
the first round right
time for me to introduce our judges and
here they are
thank you I look forward to seeing some
real teamwork between coordinators and
their Pokemon
and now the head of the Pokemon fan club
remarkable is the word thanks and
finally jubalife studies own nurse John
wow when it comes to seeing all the
splendid Pokemon I can’t wait I think we
can all relate to that now can’t we
got about me about me I’m Marion and I’m
thrilled to be your Master of Ceremonies
and thanks so much
and now it’s time for the first round
where one by one our Pokemon take their
positions on the performance stage the
purpose of this round is to see how our
coordinators make their Pokemon shine
showing off power and Beauty there you
are I was having loads of trouble with
my hair but Zoe who’s the girl who found
my choker yesterday helped me out funny
I don’t see you forget it’s on she said
she was going to compete and now for
contestant number one it’s Zoe okay
better now
now double team
that’s Smoky silhouette really shows the
mischievous Elegance of misdreavus so
mysterious she knows what she’s doing
it’s the perfect showcase what better
way for a ghost Pokemon than that
confused rays
let me check it out mysterious the
Screech Pokemon mysterious loves being
mischievous by pulling people’s hair and
shocking them use Shockwave
what an electric attack and it’s not
just for show Zoe’s also demonstrating
how powerful her Pokemon is
it’s like Miss Grievous and Zoe are
joined at the hip electrifying showing
off her Pokemon in silhouette like that
helped make a great performance and
remarkable an awesome balance between
showing off her mischievous and its
moves First Rate all the way you don’t
hear Nurse Joy say First Rate all that
often so when you do it’s a rain next up
this doesn’t work you sold me a fake oh
fix this meals look maybe you got a bum
seal but I’m sure it was a fluke you
ripped the soul off these seals don’t
work you tricked us
thank you you’re all absolutely right
kind of mine
and it’s just Elena and carnivine what a
seed baby
and next up it’s
bite’s bite is the penultimate and
dramatic Flair
Ben am I going to have a stiff neck
that’s gotta hurt yeah but talk about
dedication abom and I are next you gonna
watch Pikachu good luck Ash thanks Dawn
and now we present from far away Pallet
Town in the Kanto region now making his
Jubal life City debut say hi to Ash
you Swift now
ah okay double team
okay now use Focus Punch
Way To Go
April that was great
the most creative way for a pump to use
two moves besides remarkable
terrific teamwork between coordinator
and Pokemon and with the way he used
double team it was like we were watching
a battle too hey thanks
Ash looked right at home out there
Dawn what’s wrong huh I’m just fine
really I was just thinking how awesome
Ash looked you know Brock
ready Dawn you’re up next thanks it’s
crunch time
hey Pikachu thanks now don’t forget to
cheer me on Good Luck huh
thanks Zoe
have a good time out there Ash you were
just great
and now we have a debut a young
coordinator who hails from Twin Leaf
town so let’s give her a warm welcome
no worries
right it’s show time
up some serious energy in that big
a truly impressive performance the
combination of speed and cuteness kept
me riveted
besides remarkable
it was so easy to see piplup’s talent I
couldn’t take my eyes off of them not
bad but still a little stiff
wow my heart was beating like a giant
bass drum up there glad it all went so
quick John you were awesome you should
be feeling pretty good
I guess I should be but John come on you
I’m just messing with you I guess I’m
just so relieved it’s finally over
huh hi Zoe it’s too soon to be relieved
isn’t it huh we still gotta meet in the
finals right oh yeah you’re right
and now it’s time for the judges results
so here are the coordinators who will be
moving on down the line to the next
this is it the moment of proof the
culmination of months of planning
training dreaming so the dream continues
but who will continue their Juba life
City Pokemon contest stream
thank you

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