Pokémon Diamond and Pearl |EP12| Arrival of a Rival | Pokémon Asia ENG

it’s the jubilee city pokemon contest
and dawn couldn’t be giddier with
excitement about her debut the beautiful
dresser mother had given her didn’t hurt
matters either making things more
interesting apom has convinced ash to
compete as well adding to their circle
of friends is the introduction of a
powerful coordinator named zoe already
with one ribbon under her belt never one
to be left out a disguised jesse or
jessalina also entered the fray making
round one truly exciting and so between
dawn ash zoe jessalina and the many
other contestants who will survive the
first round judging
all right let’s see what the judges have
to say the eight contestants moving on
to the next round’s contest battle are
these lucky eight
all right i made it awesome
nothing like getting past that first
what a step
congrats thanks zoe but you made it all
look easy
i can see why you already have a ribbon
well i don’t know about that huh oh no
huh i’ve got to call my mom right now
of course i was watching congratulations
on getting to round two thanks mom
remember this is a whole new ball game
it’s a battle after all though you still
have to make your pokemon look their
best mom i know don’t worry there’s that
so you better get a move on since you
don’t have much time left
call you later bye mom
okay ladies and gentlemen time for our
second round and here’s the battle board
so let’s give the board a random shuffle
and see our match-ups
and there they are
what do you know me and zoey
i’m sure you’ll be great thanks
all right time to start a winning streak
first the jupiter life ribbon and then
we’ll get the oarberg badge
ash slow down an appeal battle is
different from a gym battle hey we can
handle any battle you throw in us
zoey i’ll see you out there hold on
are you saying you’re gonna compete in
the sinnoh league
yeah that’s what i came here for in the
first place well then what are you doing
competing in contests for
you obviously can’t tell the difference
between contests and gyms i’d remember
that if i were you
what was that
who cares hey i’ll just battle the way i
know how
rock and roll
clueless twerps there’s only one winner
and that’s me
oh jesse huh
bad news
mob looks like you had a fight with a
so why didn’t you yahoos get out of
there while the getting was good good
okay what about sales we sold gov and
they gave him back with a knuckle
well no surprise there
hey chin up as long as i win this we’ll
be just fine
wait you’re saying you made it to round
two what did you think
this is jessalina we’re talking about
impressive effect
that ribbon is for me and me only and
soon i’ll rule the contest world and
take over the galaxy
this is it the moment you’ve all been
waiting for
get ready for the second round battles
the coordinator who can show off their
most beautiful moves and strip away the
most points from their opponent in five
minutes wins
so let’s get started with our first
match-up it’s ash in one corner
and it’s zoey in the other
we’ve got a five-minute time limit on
the clock and we’re off
all right
all right
stay glam yeah
she’s got something up her sleeve you
wanna lay back fine with me a bug use
focus punch
an acom descends from above with a focus
surprise surprise with a quick flick of
the tail glamio stop that focus punch
glam so
that was some strategy not moving until
the right time and then look out
nice work glam yeah now give apom a toss
a bomb
just yet even in the middle of being
thrown apon wrestles up a huge swift
a pump’s attack for a counter attack has
tons of appeal
how did glam yeah get through apam’s
attack not only did that show off
glamios power it showed how clever zoe
is as well looks like the twerps up to
his cap in calamity i guess contests
aren’t just another day at the gym of
course they aren’t it takes finesse
something a member of the male
persuasion doesn’t have don’t give up
apom focus
straighten your tails
managed to use iron tail while at the
same time straightening its tail for a
soul-rattling hit
well we’ve just passed the 30-second
mark and at this point zoe has a huge
yeah so huh hey bump we can’t just let
him beat us like this
now focus punch
guess ash isn’t about to give up yet
all right now’s our chance hold on
that’s a ghost type move that won’t work
on a normal type like apam i don’t think
it’s the hit that zoe’s going for
and both attacks smash into each other
but it looks like the focus punch is
that shadow claw was just a bluff
iron tail makes a super clean hit
down to the wire here has the end result
been decided
not if i can help it
ava use focus punch max power
talk about determined this is a battle
to the finish will ash and apon somehow
create a miracle turnaround
that’s it time’s up and the winner of
this awesome high tension battle is
well that was impressive to use a move
that would normally be ineffective in
such a way was just striking yes
remarkable as well i forgot i was
watching a contest you worked really
hard apollo thanks for being so great
that was one of the most exciting
battles i’ve ever seen my heart was
beating so fast yeah but if you ask me
uh don’t you think things got a little
wild yeah i guess you’re right i totally
forgot about making sure my moves were
all looking good
hi zoe congratulations on your win and
good luck with your next round
last focus punch
it was so powerful i froze in my tracks
i guess i was just concentrating so hard
if time hadn’t run out when it did i’m
sure you would have beaten me
thanks for a great battle
still if you don’t mind me saying i
don’t think a contest battle is where
you shine yeah i guess i had to try it
but i know you’re right hey get this ash
entered the contest because apom wanted
to take a shot
that’s the truth all right
i know what to do don you raise a palm
and now our second round contest battles
continue as our field of gifted
coordinators grow smaller with each bout
whittling away at the competition until
the secret of who will win the covenant
jubilant contest ribbon is finally
revealed it’s time yeah i’m just so
excited i can hardly stand it huh of
course don’t you see this is the first
time i get to battle a high-level
coordinator like you
oh that’s sweet of you to say
the last thing i want to do is let you
down great i’ll give it all i’ve got as
now we head into the first of the second
round appeal battles
our contestants are dawn battling
against zoe
so with five minutes on the clock are we
ready then let’s go
they’ve already shown what they’ve got
in the second round so whoever wins this
will show they can change it up
yeah you’re right
i speed
how cute and powerful too that’s the
name of the game
that’s true but sometimes being indirect
works like now
awesome glamios shadowclaw just grabbed
the ice beam not only that the
shadowclaws caught the blue light from
venerie’s ice cream creating a stunning
contrast that’s a sight to behold zoey’s
using all of don’s attacks to make her
own moves look better that’s what
contest battles are about okay watch
this veneering use bounce let’s go
another combination of jude and
toughness glammy out jump two
direct hit
ears seem to have a certain glammy out
by the tail bunny great move
i’ll admit that’s an attractive move you
made but perhaps you’ve forgotten you
always need to follow up glam yeah spin
your tail
time for a little talk
what do you know
and now let’s
and the audience is totally loving every
second of it this is it this is what an
appeal battle is all about
we’re just passing the 30-second mark
and the final stage is waiting for the
let’s use dizzy punch one more time
shadow claw straight down on the
using the terrain
get up now
be strong you can do it
that’s it time’s up and that means
moving on to our final stage will be
the winner zoe
well guess that’s it
but don’t be sad you were wonderful out
there funny
excellent the way glamio used its tail
was a sight to be home and as far as
beneary and dawn it looked to me like
they were trying to overpower things a
bit too much
right remarkable
i can’t wait to see what beautiful moves
glamia will show us up on the final
stage i’m sure we’ll be seeing lots more
from dawn and veneering as well i’ll
tell you that sure was an awesome battle
sure was and even more amazing is it was
dawn’s first time
yeah you’re right don’t you think
mom i’m really sorry i lost you don’t
have to apologize to me apologize to
your pokemon if you need to be sorry
stop crying don
there are better things to do you’d be
smarter thinking about what went wrong
then you can figure out what you’ll be
doing for your next contest
one more thing you don’t need to call me
every time you win or lose
you have good friends like ash and brock
for that you have your pokemon as well
talk to your friends from now on not
your mother
you know i’ll be watching all of your
contests anyway right yeah
all right now zoe’s final battle is just
about to begin
thanks mom bye-bye
and welcome to the final stage
it’s zoe and justalina and both corners
are raring to go
now we’ve already seen both carnivane
and vladimir using every move they’ve
got so how will they mix it up this time
our girl just might win then take cover
that ribbon is mine all righty then
carnivane use bite
gets out of a tight spot with a quick
shadow claw
now use fury swipes
that just goes to show you what
incredible speed can do
a powerful iron
and even with 21 seconds left on the
clock we have a winner
that’s it not again just like old times
back to bottle caps
let’s give a big hand to zoe as she
received the prestigious jubilant ribbon
a gorgeous ribbon an appreciative crown
and a great champion
good for you zoey you deserve your win
now you’ve got your second ribbon thanks
to all of you
don so tell me how was your first
contest it felt like riding the biggest
roller coaster ever but it was a lot of
zoey will i see you at another contest
you’ll just have to
show up i’ve got one more thing i want
to say to you huh
i know i may not look like much now but
i’m gonna keep on training until i
become a great coordinator too
the best just like you and
i’ll beat you
i’ll just take that as a sideways
you’re sweet and i’ll be looking forward
to our next contest
i will too
even more than you
so you’ve got yourself a rival now
you’re gonna do great
thanks and you’re gonna do great too
i’ll do my best
there’s nothing like a formidable rival
to inspire a young trainer onto bigger
and better things and dawn is no
exception now our heroes turn their
attention to ash’s much anticipated
upcoming gym battle and we will too so
stay tuned

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