Pokémon Diamond and Pearl |EP13| A Staravia Is Born | Pokémon Asia ENG

quick dodge
it’s all about the challenges
starly sure coming in fast quick
sterling pull up
yeah one more time
as our heroes continue their journey
with eyes focused on ash’s first
sino-league gym battle ash and his
starly are in the middle of some
intensive special training
i know we’ll hit it this time go starly
looks like an injured leg to me huh
don’t worry it doesn’t look like it’s
a little bit of potion and a bandage and
starlee will be as good as new that’s a
starly’s first aerial ace messed up
pretty bad but that second time was a
lot better all we have to do is keep
practicing and you’ll be awesome
starly you’re all set
how’s it feel
what’s that
oh well hi there hi to you too hey what
a surprise
very nice to meet you way out here well
my name’s ash and this is pikachu
yeah and my name’s dawn they call me
rose bay and i’m the most beautiful
flower that can bloom in this beautiful
forest turning the landscape into a work
of art i’m brock now i know why i’m here
why destiny led me to this forest my
whole life was in preparation for this
magic moment the moment when i would
find you by my side rogan of course
there are two sides to
my everything is to observe and keep
track of the numerous pokemon that are
living out here in the forest and that’s
exactly what i was doing when you came
by wow that sounds like fun but i hope
us being here isn’t getting in your way
no as a matter of fact if you’re
interested you could watch the bird
pokemon along with me man i sure would
like to
me too sounds great i’d love to watch
you watching them
how does brock do that
there’s a large colony of swablu living
in the forest their nest is over there
a colony refers to the different types
of bird pokemon who live separately
because of species
wow i see the nest oh can you let me try
those too go ahead
i see it but where are the swabloom huh
yeah it’s empty
something wrong
come on we need to go find some higher
this is weird the swablu should have
returned home to their colony by this
something’s very wrong huh
whoa what do you mean rosie
okay recently the number of pokemon
living in this area has dropped by a
huge number
and not just suabloo it’s been the same
with many other colonies as well and you
don’t know the reason this is going on
i’m working hard trying to find out why
but this forest is a big place then you
should let all of us help out with your
work if pokemon need help we want to be
of course not only can we help them we
can learn something too well you mean it
that’s great i can use the help
this part of the forest contained a
colony of hoothoot man i don’t see any
me neither or hear anything
starly you able to find anything
gotcha so is your leg feeling any better
that’s great does that mean you can take
one more look around
go for it
another pile of primo pokemon in the bag
and since every last bird pokemon has to
traverse the terrain of this valley to
get where they’re going it’s the perfect
place for us to set up shop building our
team rocket base here was nothing less
than a stroke of genius we open up to
these feather brains and they flock to
our door a twist on a two-for-one sale
brilliant with such a surplus of pokemon
on tap we could think about a little
gift for you know who if you’re talking
about bringing this bunch of beaks to
the boss you’re speaking my language
think of it one doll stinking more than
he’ll say
nuts i give a million bucks just to do
something exciting and new how cool it
would be if i could spread my wings and
take to the sky like a plane
talk about a spin on the same old symbol
of lousy living dan
bravo this boy pokemon gift from meowth
and friends has given me a new lease on
life and this when you combine it with
the fact that those generous guys have
also given me my full secret base in the
sinnoh region it’s cost for me to give
them all as much dough as their crafty
claws can carry
winning is what we’re about faces loaded
no one’s out it’s a grand slam
the only way your beak could bust those
bars is if it was made out of metal once
i get you guys over to the boss you’re
gonna be busy flying them all over and
we’re gonna be swimming and does
man i hope starly’s okay
starly’s been gone a really long time i
shouldn’t have sent starley out
not after getting hurt it wasn’t a bad
injury so i wouldn’t worry
but it’s taking starly so long something
bad must have happened
i think i figured out what’s going on
that’s called the valley path and all
the bird pokemon that fly use it we’d
better go take a look let’s hurry
starlee may be in some kind of trouble
down there you may be right dash let’s
go we’re coming starly now
meowth are the natives restless they
ain’t too thrilled but they’re okay as
long as we keep them in those cages they
ain’t going nowhere fast guess we should
be giving our gift to the bar soon yes
you’re right now meowth be a love and
take care of it capisce well i ain’t
doing nothing without a vote
all righty go it’s rock paper scissors
and shoot
you got more fingers than me
what are you mugs gonna do
why do i even ask
who are they
they’re called team rocket
oh they called that piggy hot quick
pikachu that pidgeot needs help
yeah pikachu that was great thank you so
you’re gonna be fine
so team rockets doing this that’s where
the bird pokemon went what kind of
people are they the kind that would
steal my starly
pikachu go with pidgeot into the forest
and round up all the pokemon that you
if we can get enough of them we can rip
down that net
i’m counting on ya
come on guys let’s go save the captured
pokemon right
you’re a lean green garden machine
now you logs time to make a rich guy in
a meow very happy
now this is my kind of big box ring toss
all right no trouble and no one gets
hyped we’re taking a flight to bossland
okay maybe i was a little hasty blocking
orders like that so here’s the deal your
wing wish is my command
you wanna fly fly
sure why not okay troops time to hit the
wild blue
no big deal just dig a hole straight up
and you guys are out of here
let’s go
upper body
this is some deep hole thing is where is
what are they doing down here
sounds like a small air force
it’s pikachu
yeah great going
nobody ruins my suntan and then gets
away with it where is meowth
and have a nice day
no way i know my place if i let a lamb
out of here the spell would be broken
and you guys it all end up as dropping
my tanks isn’t know when i was able to
free you pokemon from a life of forceful
no i’ll get out of here somehow you guys
go voice
you have a nice day too
yeah maybe someday your puzzle cross
hey where’s everybody going what the
heck am i doing already you you did it
you let him escape and you’re gonna pay
cathy the viper and conor vine emergency
a little late for that double talk
and yes dwight it’s so great to find you
but well the rest of the pokemon
they must have escaped through that
tunnel and now it’s your turn to escape
huh what’s that it’s time to
you’re not supposed to relocate without
whoa what’s that we call
you really can’t take it with you can’t
you mark 93. wow took a while to get
right now you’re gonna see it was time
well spent
let’s hit it guys
well here we are what in the name of the
boss did you do with the pokemon we
previously pilfered okay the truth is i
let them all out cause i got hypnotized
by your hoothoot and that was that what
you’re gonna have to make amends go and
get them all pronto
we love the look of real wood and how it
keeps our twerms
they sure are loud
man what was i thinking i guess now we
can make ourselves a big campfire and
it’s biodegradable will you two zip it
pikachu are you okay ash i think
everybody’s okay not for long losers the
boy pokemon belong to us where’d you
hear that
listen is that a twirp rumor mill i hear
it shrieks to me loud and clear on the
wind pass the stars
we’re bringing real crisis at a
breakneck pace dashing hope and putting
fear in its place by any other names
just as sweet when everything’s worse
our work is complete
and it’s james
that’s a name putting the do-gooders in
their place
it’s time to use
pikachu dodging with brigitte
come on you think you can thwart the
rising stars of the team rocket sinnoh
contingent now dustox give them a dust
with gusts
that can only mean one thing bonsai
knows how to use mimic what’s mimick a
move where you duplicate your opponent’s
attack you plagiarist no dust docks use
okay bonds dodge it and then use mimic
my little green and purple belt
for sure wow bonsai you were really
it can’t be starli evolved it’s staravia
all right this is great saravia aerial
wonderful weather for flying just smell
that air you can’t beat them join them i
always say it almost makes you forget
what’s coming up next
i’ve got to see this
star avia the starling pokemon star evia
flies over forests and fields and
travels in large blocks star ravia
thanks so much now the pokemon that live
in the forest are safe
get ready for big wins
as rose bay waves a fun farewell to our
heroes grateful for their invaluable
help in rescuing a whole forest full of
bird pokemon orberg city and its warburg
gym silently beckoned ash and his
friends toward his first sino-region gym

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