Pokémon Diamond and Pearl | EP16 | A Gruff Act To Follow! | Pokémon Asia ENG

because our heroes had arrived at the
orbit gym just after paul did ash waited
his turn to challenge rourke the orber
gym leader by watching paul’s challenge
first what our hero witnessed was paul
using his pokemon in an unusually
creative way without concern for their
types and managing to win the covenant
coal badge as a result but now the
curtain is about to come up on ash’s
first sino-gym battle challenge
aren’t you gonna stay to watch my battle
it’s all about the challenges
a chance to begin again
to follow
what’s so funny that you want me to
watch you lose
all right
you’ve already battled ash once why not
stay and watch
what what’s wrong
what’s wrong who are you
excuse me your rudeness but we met once
before the name’s dawn
you’re welcome to stay
with that enthusiasm how can i refuse
good and i’m gonna show you a whole new
style of battling whenever you’re ready
work i am ash would you mind terribly if
we had our battle tomorrow huh
you know my pokemon and i just went
through some serious battling and to
tell you the truth we’re exhausted
i hear you hey tomorrow will be just
fine great thank you ash
look is that a fossil i see who wants to
restore it me science our quest ain’t
these glasses the best bringing chaos at
a brick neck dashing
cause we’re team rocket in your face
science lovers
we are now in the oldberg mining museum
where folks divide their time between
the history of coal mining and the
mystery of ancient pokemon and lots of
cool stuff to steal i suggest we stretch
our brains by doing some pokey research
if that’s what i think it’s enough coal
to light the boss’s house for a week
it was mined with cooperation between
humans and pokemon
have we met my name is kenzo and i’m one
of the researchers here at the museum
and i’ll bet i know who you are you’re
dr jessa dr jamis and dr meow’s the
ancient pokemon experts
it’s an honor to finally meet
so now why don’t you tell me what part
of our museum you’d like to look at
first the best part of course the fossil
well of course follow me it’s in the
research tower right next door
our museum is comprised of two parts the
main building which houses all of our
exhibits and the research tower
our activities in the research tower are
just what the name implies we research
ancient pokemon and their abilities in
order to gain a deeper understanding of
pokemon development
and over our many long years of
painstaking work we have developed a
technology that actually restores
fossilized pokemon bringing them
completely back to life and in full
health wow you have been busy a bit
bigger than pikachu we’ll steal it
the restored pokemon are then placed in
a time appropriate environment
all located within this dome
i know y’all want to get out of this
place as soon as you can but i can only
use three of you right now try and
understand that out of all of you the
only pokemon good for battling a rock
type is turtwig who’s a grass type
and i’m counting on you and your razor
leaf tur twig
of course it is true that apos focus
punch is really powerful too
not to mention your iron tail pikachu
which is totally awesome
star avia really loves to battle all
man i’m sorry story idiot but i promise
you’ll go the next time
a promise is a promise don’t worry and
that’s when don’s mom says she worries
the most what did you say calm down
one thing i learned from watching paul’s
battle with roark was paul’s speed
making up a huge part of the secret to
his victory of course his choice of
moves was important too but i think that
amazing speed put him over the top so do
i the thing is what do we do now that
should be a no-brainer just imitate me
i’d never do what you do i wouldn’t
force gymshare to battle the way you did
for a million bucks
hey wow
thanks a lot for the zuma real mister
we’ll train real hard so see ya
you gave him a zoomer
yeah so cause it lost that’s as good as
that azumarill’s gonna get i thought it
was your friend you could have kept
training you know no that one was a lost
car i don’t get you and i thought you
wanted to win ah
i do but not the way you go about doing
he’ll never beat me again
all right let’s show that paul there are
other ways to win a battle in the way he
does it
what’s wrong i guess they’re just
different kinds of trainers i just
wonder what chimchar and ellicott think
of paul
well we can’t just hide it under our
coats they might have been nice and
helped us by making the fossil
restoration machine the size of a deck
of cards oh but no they couldn’t do that
we’re stealing that monstrosity if i
have to carry it out on my back
there’s way too much dough in bringing
ancient pokemon onto the modern market
let me show you the restoration process
the fossil is placed here
and over a period of the next 24 hours
the restoration will take place
we currently have three machines at our
ah good timing it seems omanite is
24 hours between famine and feast rich
is for us to say the least while they
get fleeced
no more making our own machines that all
just end up going bluey anyway dig a few
fossils and suddenly it’s payday
hold on we won’t even have to lift up a
single shovel they have fossils you’re
right there are enough fossils here to
keep us restoring right through the next
year like bacon cookies except when you
sell those cookies all you get is a few
bucks but not with fossils right oh with
swords we’re conquering sinner with all
of our might delight
and once the team rocking flags flapping
from sea to shining sinnocy i just know
the boss will be happily balding like a
boss baby this is our quest to be the
best and beat the rest
times are wasting so hurry up what’s
your plan
micromanaging again are you wow
i trust you had a good night’s sleep and
are ready to go yeah
good my pokemon did too and are in
tip-top shape so feel free to give it
all you got great
get a load of this paul some real battle
the gym battle between ash the
challenger and rook the gym leader is
about to begin
each side will have use of three pokemon
and the battle is over when all of
either sides pokemon are defeated in
addition only the challenger is allowed
to make any substitutions ash’s first
sinnoh battle is here
oh i can’t wait let the battle begin
let’s go
why is he doing that
i was so sure rorke was going to save
granny dose for last but instead he’s
starting with it by switching up the
order of his pokemon brooks testing
ash’s reaction to surprise situations
it’s a common technique in these kinds
of matches wow hope ash is okay
i don’t care anyway
rorke’s got rock type pokemon
i’ll just take him down one at a time
but i still have to deal with crazy
and that headbutt
and which pokemon have you chosen
i choose you
here we go a bomb i’m counting on you to
confuse kratos with your quick moves a
bomb use focus punch now
a good move by ash he got a palm up in
the air right off the bat that gives
them the advantage over grainy dough
stuck on the ground
i knew granny dose had great speed but i
had no idea could jump like that too and
that means it’s going to be a tough
battle whether they’re both on the
ground or
use flamethrower now
punch zen headbutt go
you are awesome apom now go and take a
good long rest
apom tried hard at least it gave ash the
opportunity to check out the way cranny
does moves which you can be sure he’ll
be remembering from here on out
okay ash have you decided on your next
pokemon okay pikachu you’re up
oh no apom’s focus punch should have
worn granny nose down
here it comes iron tan let’s go
all right bullseye that did the trick
excellent a well-placed hit granny dose
you can do it pikachu use thunderbolts
then headbutt quick
whoa that crazy dose is so fast it feed
us to the punch now use headbutt he gets
this is tough craniados’s speed along
with the power of those headbutts are
keeping pikachu from doing much of
anything come on pikachu i know you can
do it but you just gotta hang in there
paul’s leaving
a pokemon defending its trainer is truly
a sight to see
okay pikachu let’s show them something
they’ll never forget
quick attack let’s go
pikachu is fast but you mustn’t forget
that using normal attacks such as that
won’t do much at all against my granny
knows use flamethrowers
wow see that
that was so fast
using the quick attack speed along with
iron tail was great thinking
that should have put cranny dose away
but granny dose is just standing there
i like the way you combine your moves
but now i want you to watch this cranny
does head smash
that’s new to me head smash of all the
headbutt moves in cranados arsenal
headsmash is by far the strongest and
most dangerous as well of course they’re
all powerful but head smash can cause
recoil damage too if you’re going for it
then we will pikachu bowl tackle now
but ash knows that it could possibly end
your pikachu pathetic strategy
is still standing
as is pikachu you’ve raised your pokemon
well pikachu it’s too dangerous for you
to go on so come back here
i can’t wait to see the rest of your
team so who will be your third pokemon
church i choose
a turch wig that should be a real
advantage in a rock type gym
razor leaf church way go
flamethrower now
dodge it then fight
oh my that might be the fastest turd
twig i’ve ever seen
i hate to admit it but tert tweak speed
really improves
zen headbutt go get it out
i can’t believe after all this time
granny does can still keep battling like
that use flamethrower
a grass type like turtwig is vulnerable
to a flamethrower attack and could
really get hurt turd tweak stay strong
razor leafy
but don’t forget rourke has two pokemon
he hasn’t brought out yet
cranny does rock solid
you really toughed it out whoa that’s
over with we went through way too much
to defeat just one pokemon
it’s still anyone’s battle you’re right
okay paul watch this
all right ash it’s time for my second
pokemon let’s go
i’m gonna stick with church wig
all right ready you bet church week
razor leaf go
good one that razor leaf should do a lot
of damage
dodge then double edge
tur twigs unable to battle onyx is
no way with one hit i guess cranidos
flamethrower must have done a lot more
damage than i initially thought okay
search wig return
you were great so pikachu i guess it’s
all up to you now
i know it’s your last pokemon but i’m
not going to go easy on you right iron
nice big slab
iron tail is a good matchup but i’m
afraid pikachu has pretty much reached
the limit pikachu i know you can do it
all right then i know electric type
moves aren’t going to do any damage at
all on the ground type and what about
that speed
of course use thunderbolt on the field
now on excuse double edge
brock what’s going on this is great
those rocks have slowed onyx way down
screech attack
you’re okay
pikachu is unable to battle onyx is the
winner and so victory goes to rourke the
gym leader
onyx great work
so that’s it it’s over
it was going well up until the point
when pikachu used thunderbolt to break
up the field but who would have
predicted onyx’s screech would do what
it did and so quickly
pikachu you’re the best
yeah how pathetic
and so our hero’s first attempt at a
sinnoh victory ends in his first defeat
the road to a sino-league victory may be
a long and rocky one but we’ll be there
every step of the way

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