Pokémon Diamond and Pearl | EP28 | Drifloon On The Wind! | Pokémon Asia ENG

sorry you’ll be fine stay here with us
whoa the wind Pikachu it’s my time to
save her I’m coming Paige
it’s all about the challenges
still basking in the glow of Dawn’s
first Pokemon contest win our heroes now
turn their attention to Eterna City and
Ash’s next Sinnoh Gym battle
I’m starving
Mr head really Brock great you know they
gotta have food there and there’s joy
guys wait
on the Wind
is that it I think so
it’s got the letter on the front
so let’s go check it out okay
it can also be blown away by wind
anyone here you here Nurse Joy please
the place is empty
hey maybe someone’s in the Next Room
let’s see
huh something smells really good great
I’ll just have a peek
oh I know you’re eating and you’re here
to steal my food
I’ll teach you a lesson
stop we’d never steal anyone’s food I
just wanted there’s joy that’s all I’m
not a crook I’m hungry yeah
oh my what in the world’s going on here
mommy hi everyone Welcome to our Pokemon
the game over
this looks great
and don’t forget there’s a whole lot
more good to know that’s just Ash’s way
of saying thanks a lot it’s fine I feel
bad for him since besides I’m starving
to death I really let him have it back
ah Paige that was rude that was rude
stop it don’t copy me
sorry we weren’t all here when you first
showed up see I was helping out my mom
hey that’s a good thing you both are so
nice we’re gonna be nurse Joys too just
like Mom both of you right my name is
Marnie Francis Lynette Joy
and I’m Paige Francis Lanell Joy when we
grow up we want to work full time with
Mom here at the Pokemon Center great and
I’m sure you’ll both be wonderful hey
what do you say we help them out while
we’re here yeah let’s
I could be your mother’s Pokemon
so nice we could use the help use the
help teamwork
and it’s good
and it’s good please no copying copying
come on stop it
looks like Daddy forgot his lunch again
you have to bring it to him right no
prob my drifloon can help with that huh
your drifloon
wow aren’t they cool and cute
is filled with air and can either expand
or Shrink to express its feelings it
also lets damp weather so Marnie will
you go I’m coming too huh come on
drifloon let’s deliver dad’s lunch Paige
you’re still too small not afraid so I
to and I say no you can’t stop
all right now what do I do huh it’s just
I had an important job that only you can
do for me
I need you to bring these cookies to the
forest Pokemon dear could you do that
sure I can I’ll do it great I’m counting
on you
so are you all ready to go
hey Ash would you like to come with me
to deliver these cookies okay
s don’t you
yeah but I’ve got another Pokemon buddy
you wouldn’t believe hey why don’t you
try me
my buddy’s this big and super cool and
it’s called
yeah what’s it called
my sister said I can’t tell I see hey
that’s okay
oh man
okay I won’t get in trouble if I show
you come on
great here we are wow
it’s me it’s your buddy Paige hello
nothing too bad what kind of Pokemon is
it a suicune Ah that’s a legendary
Pokemon sweet code the Aurora Pokemon it
travels the world and purifies water
wherever it goes sailing on the North
Wind yeah sure it’s a suicune
of course it plays with me and Marnie
all the time wow a legendary Pokemon
living right here
it’s all fixed
hi Daddy huh you forgot your lunch again
no that’s two times this week
well at least he had lunch to forget get
your mind out of your gut dig it for the
moment we got an awesome man for Rose to
abduct what dissolve please let’s say
the boss is having one of those
nightmares that’s so scary it pops your
eyes open put the room’s so dark and
creepy that he just can’t snap out of
his knife right when suddenly
thanks to my generosity and ferozo Shine
the Light Of Truth and chase away all
his fears and knowing because of us
he’ll never be afraid of the boogeyman
again he’ll say thanks to Meowth and
friends I’ll never ever be Sleepless in
bossland oh Grand wow
here Daddy thank you Marnie now I’ll
walk you home how come the sky looks
like a storm is coming you think so it
could be quite dangerous to fly back
through those dark clouds you’re right
right let’s get going now who’s
who did that listen is that a father and
daughter I hear it was their talk of
lunch that caught by you on the wind the
bringing chaos at a Breakneck Pace
dashing hope putting fear in its place
arose by any other names just as sweet
when everything’s worse our work is
complete Jesse and James
putting the do-gooders in their place
Team Rocket Emperors use Thunder
be insulated we used to have plenty of
money for that stuff but now what those
invested in Jesse’s hair and fingernails
what a bunch of weird people strange
oh no the explosion damaged the wires
thanks and come again I will and thank
I think that’s everybody that’s great
thank you so much for all your help the
cookies are gone
thank you Paige oh the power’s out
could there be a problem at Valley
windworks Power Plant Valley windworks
isn’t that where Marnie went to take her
father’s lunch mommy you don’t think
something bad happened don’t worry Mommy
will go there and take a look
no no you stay right here and I’ll be
back soon
don’t worry Pikachu will get Paige get
to the station
I’ll be back as soon as I can okay right
the wind’s really picking up yeah
in this wind but I’ve gotta go
to go hard you’ll be fine
stay here with us
the turbines are all good as new
now Emperors let’s get them going
goodness it’s fixed before that storm
gets here yeah I’m sorry if you were
worried Nurse Joy huh Did Paige come up
here no why do you ask Paige and Pikachu
got carried away by the wind from the
storm Paige tried to fly here with a
drift loot what what do we do well first
let’s track the pattern of that last
wind gust
they had to have been blown in the
vicinity of those mountains but that’s
so far it appears the winds are all
headed the same way and there will be
more of course
daddy let me go with them I’m sorry the
storm will get here anytime
I’ve gotta go look for Paige and Pikachu
learn to think first quick let’s use my
car and follow them
don’t worry we’re gonna find you and get
your home safe
where are we I’m getting scared
the rainbow
there is another road but it’ll take us
the long way around the mountain
Pikachu Paige
Paige I knew I’d find you up here you
okay we’re fine all of us good but first
thing let’s go get out of this ring
Amber Rose Thunder Punch
I guess those Boulders aren’t gonna
budge it looks like we’re gonna have to
walk it from here
Brock I think you all should wait here
in the car but we can we want to help
Marty come back here there’s something
I’ve got to do
the storm’s so scary
nah we’re safe now nice and dry in this
cave and you know everybody’s got to be
out there looking for us Peppa
everything’s gonna be fine
do this
hey just depending on me I can’t fail
she needs me
Pikachu let us know where you are
you’ve got to help me sweet corn please
I know you’re the spirit of the north
wind well Paige was carried away by the
wind and now she’s in grave danger
please carry me on the wind and take me
to where Pages
come out I need you now
I can’t see a thing this has got to be
the worst Vlog ever but then how are
they gonna find us as long as we keep
moving we’ll run into everyone soon
Pikachu keep a sharp eye out
what’s up Pikachu
across here
you know what I don’t think there’s a
grab on let’s go
I guess it’s no use
I just want someone else to help that’s
wait that’s it Paige is my little sister
it’s my job to save her and no one
else’s I’ve gotta help her I’m coming
oh Barney don’t ever go off like that
again please I won’t
I won’t Marnie that was some entrance
swooping in to save us riding suicune
told you there was a suicune you sure
did suicune thanks yeah thank you
without you I never would have been able
to save these two
Pikachu oh it’s my mom and dad and it’s
Brock and Dawn too hey
it’s pink you’re all okay what a relief
you know you had us worried sick young
I’m sorry you’re mad at me aren’t you
but don’t ever do that again promise
but how in the world did you find them
all ahead of us Marty
that’s a ride from sweet
Pope it sounds amazing but it’s the
truth over there huh it was there guess
we could went home
I missed suicune oh hey don’t worry
you’ll meet sometime hope so look at
that the sunset why don’t we all head
home for some supper
I could eat two of them
a lucky day indeed for Our Heroes and
their friends and a double lucky day for
ash as well after all wouldn’t you like
to be rescued by one of the greatest
legends of the Pokemon world the
legendary suicune
what’s where’s the blasting off of the
re-entry take your pick well something
good better start happening in between
or else
a legend stop you’re both right
now there’s something worth running for
it’s our something good wait before we
blast off again
no one makes a bigger win than you wow
and that says it all
right foreign


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